What Does Black Sheep of the Family Mean

Today I'm going to show you 41 personality idioms to describe people'south grapheme. For more than idioms, cheque out Do Y'all Know These eight Very British Idioms?

In that location are lots of different ways to draw people's personalities. Idioms are one of the well-nigh colourful ways to describe people'south characters.

And so let's wait at some personality idioms.

Personality Idioms to Describe People You lot Beloved

Let's start with the positive people. The people yous love spending time with.

The ones you might go on holiday with or start a book club with.

The ones you lot'd call when y'all're stuck in the middle of nowhere in a thunderstorm having missed the last bus in a country where you don't speak the language.*

*That might take happened to me.

#i Nik

Positive personality idioms: straight-forward, down to earth, open-minded, a good egg, a dark horse, laid-back, easy-going

Down to earth

Nik has realistic expectations. He doesn't endeavour to exercise anything impossible and doesn't dream about things he can't exercise.

He's basically a really practical guy.

A expert egg

He'due south just a nice guy. That'south it.

Open up-minded

And so yous've decided to marry a pillow and start an orchestra with no instruments?

Most people would probably walk away from you when you told them that.

Not Nik. He's got time for any sort of thought — no affair how weird.


He'll as well tell you exactly what he thinks about your pillow marriage and instrumentless orchestra. Fifty-fifty if you won't like it.

That's because Nik's directly-forward — he's direct and honest.

A dark horse

So you lot've been friends with Nik for years now.

You think you know everything about him.

Then one day he casually mentions that The Beatles took him on bout for 2 years back in the '60s considering Ringo actually liked the way he set up out the drum kit.

Surprise, right?

Nik's a night horse. He has a colourful and interesting by that yous didn't know near.


He doesn't get stressed and is pretty relaxed near of the time.


This is basically the same as "laid-back."

#two Freya

Positive personality idioms: a social butterfly, the life and soul of the party, a people person, a good laugh, a card

A social butterfly

If you go to a party with Freya, you won't see her much. In fact, no one volition.

Merely anybody will run into her a fleck.

She loves going from person to person, trying to talk to anybody.

Moving effectually the room like some sort of butterfly — a social 1.

The life and soul of the party

Have you e'er been at a social gathering or a party that was just dead?

No one was talking to each other and everyone was looking at their phones.

And then someone arrives who only completely brings everything to life.

Someone energetic, lively and who makes everyone desire to talk.

That was probably Freya — always the life and soul of the party.

A people person

She likes people.

So she talks to them a lot.

She'due south sociable.

A good laugh

She's too a practiced laugh — simply good fun to exist around.

A card

Yes, I know. It'south pretty weird to call someone a card.

But it's also pretty weird to call someone an egg, too.

Only what does it mean?

Well — Freya's a piffling bit unusual. A little strange.

She might determine to offset singing while yous're in the metro for no reason.

Or she has strong beliefs about how humans actually come from Mars, and we're merely here on a sort of holiday.

Yeah — she's a bit of a card.

#3 Delia

Positive personality idioms: a jack of all trades, sharp, a go-getter

A jack of all trades

Delia is very skilled. She tin play the banjo quite well, fly a plane quite well, create a reasonable website and speak pre-intermediate Mandarin, Italian and Swahili.

She tin practise a lot of things quite well.

This idiom can sometimes be used negatively, peculiarly in its fuller form: jack of all trades (and master of none).

This means that, sure, she tin can do all of those things quite well, merely there's cipher that she tin can do very well.


There'south a reason why Delia is successful.

She notices the details.

She can recollect and make decisions quickly.

She'southward smart.

She'south sharp.

A go-getter

If Delia wants something, she but goes and gets it.

Sometimes she succeeds, and sometimes she fails.

But she tries.

Because she'south a go-getter.

Personality Idioms to Draw People Y'all Hate

Would yous exist surprised if I told you that I could discover way more negative personality idioms than positive ones?

I think this makes sense.

When we desire to say something nice about someone, it's fine to be direct and just utilise an adjective.

But if we desire to say something bad about someone, it's easier to be indirect and use an idiom.

Information technology might also save united states of america from getting into trouble when we're criticising people who are loose cannons or who accept a short fuse.

Non sure what I mean? Then read on!

#4 Tony

Negative personality idioms: an armchair critic, set in his ways, narrow minded, pig-headed, big-headed, a smart arse, a cheapskate, a Scrooge, tight

An armchair critic

Thanks to the internet, we get more and more Tonys.

He just sits at dwelling and talks most how bad your new poem is. Or how you shouldn't have used the piano in your new song.

But he doesn't write poems or songs. He just criticises other people who do.

Set in his ways

Tony doesn't like changing his habits.

He does things the way he wants, and he won't do them any other way.

He's completely inflexible.


This one only means "stubborn."

"Set in his ways" is about his habits, and "pig-headed" is about his opinions.

He'll always believe that the world is flat. It doesn't thing how much evidence you give him — he won't change his mind.

That's Tony.


Do you lot remember how Nik would mind to your radical ideas about starting an orchestra without whatever instruments?

That's because he'south open-minded.

Fifty-fifty if he doesn't agree, he can however heed to your ideas.

Tony won't listen to any ideas that he doesn't sympathize or like.

That'south because he'south bigoted.


He thinks he'southward the best.

Meliorate than all the remainder.

A smart arse

He also thinks he knows everything — so much that he'southward just really abrasive.

Be careful with this one, though.

Kickoff of all, information technology's really British.

Secondly, it's really not polite. "Arse" is the British English version of the American "donkey," which I'yard not going to explain here. I'm sure you know what information technology means. If not, then Google it … but wait until you're home first, yes?

A cheapskate

For some reason, nosotros take a lot of idioms and words to describe people who hate spending money. Especially in British English language.

At present the Brits have a chip of a reputation for being the kinds of people who hate spending money.

So I gauge the linguistic communication is reflecting that.

Anyway, a cheapskate is someone who hates spending money.

If his washing motorcar is dying, he'll look until blackness smoke is coming out of it earlier he buys another i.

I once had a flatmate who hung his tea bags out on the washing line so he could reuse them and who went all the way to Poland in guild to visit the dentist because information technology was cheaper.

He never came back.

A Scrooge

This one comes from Charles Dickens' character Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Ballad — someone who hates spending money.


We can as well say "tight-fisted."

This is more about being ungenerous.

Like when it's Tony's plow to buy the drinks, he'll simply decline.

"Don't be so tight."

#5 Sibel

Negative personality idioms: a tearaway, a loose cannon, a black sheep, have a short fuse, a slim customer, have a screw loose, a bad egg, a nutter, a big mouth, clingy

A tearaway

Sibel is just crazy.

You'll exist walking down the street with her, and she'll simply kickoff knocking on someone's front door and then immediately run away.

Or she'll run into a building site, and the get-go thing she'll do is become in and starting time climbing all over it.

She's kind of dangerous and very irresponsible.

A loose cannon

This is more or less the same as "tearaway."

A cannon is one of those massive onetime guns:

Drawing of a cannon

Imagine a loose ane:

A loose cannon

That's Sibel.

A blackness sheep

Anybody in Sibel's family joined the family law firm. They're all corporate lawyers making millions a year and living off champagne and caviar.

Except for Sibel. She lives in a tree and makes masks.

She'due south the black sheep of the family — the odd one out.

This is not always used negatively simply is usually for someone who's a little strange.

A big mouth

Sibel is e'er talking about how bully she is. In public. Usually so anybody tin can hear.

She'll as well just talk openly near individual stuff that y'all'd rather she didn't tell anyone.

Then definitely don't trust her with your secrets.

"Recall, don't tell Sibel! She's a bit of a big mouth."

A slim client / A slippery client

Sibel is also unreliable and untrustworthy.

Somehow, when she's done something incorrect, she'll always manage to avoid getting in trouble for information technology. Just avoid her!

A bad egg

If a good egg is a generally good person, and so a bad egg is … well … a bad person.

I don't know why we recall it's a good idea to depict someone every bit an egg.

I mean — why an egg?

Have a screw loose

She's slightly mad.

"Aunt Esther'south got a screw loose, merely she's generally harmless. More often than not."

A nutter / She's nuts

Aye — she'due south definitely mad. Did yous see how she started throwing eggs and shouting at her own house?

"Nutter" is a specially British English word. We use it especially for those people behaving weirdly in public. You lot see them get on the bus, and y'all seriously consider only getting off at the next stop.

Seriously, living in the UK can be a game of "avert the nutter" sometimes. We've got a lot of them.

Accept a curt fuse

She gets angry actually easily.

"She's fine every bit longs as you don't badger her — she'due south got a actually short fuse."


Wow. Sibel actually is non a nice person.

Merely the worst thing about her is that you just tin't get rid of her.

She'll but follow you lot everywhere and won't listen when y'all tell her you lot'd rather exist alone or that she isn't invited to where you're going — wherever information technology is.

She'll just always be in that location. Like glue.

#6 Andy

Negative personality idioms: a couch potato, thick as a plank, not the brightest crayon in the box, head in the clouds, scatterbrained, all over the place, a pain in the neck

A couch potato

Andy is super lazy.

Only at least you'll always know where he is.

Sitting on the couch doing nil.

Like a potato.

Thick as a plank

He might think he'southward a smart guy, simply he'south actually completely stupid.

Thick as a plank means … well … completely stupid.

Non the brightest crayon in the box / Not the sharpest tool in the drawer

This is a more polite manner of proverb that he'southward stupid.

I mean, he really is stupid.

He thinks the Matrix is a kind of cheese.

Head in the clouds

Andy also spends a lot of his time daydreaming. xc% of the time he's not in the real globe at all — just imagining what he's going to practice with the millions of euros he's never actually going to make because he doesn't do annihilation.

He's unrealistic and just dreaming all the fourth dimension.

"Don't bother request him — he'south got his caput in the clouds."


If you ask Andy where he put his telephone, he won't remember.

If you inquire Andy to get some lemons, tahini, chickpeas and garlic from the shop (yep — y'all're making hummus over again), he'll probably come back with an orangish and an onion.

He can't remember things well, and he has a very, very short concentration bridge.

What were we talking about?

All over the identify

This is basically the same every bit "scatterbrained" but even a little stronger.

This is when you lot might desire to utilise the phrase "pull yourself together."

"Come on Andy! Pull yourself together! Where did y'all put the keys? I desire to get back inside."

A hurting in the neck

Although Andy's pretty annoying, we can probably call Sibel and Tony a hurting in the neck, too.

It but means an annoying person — someone you'd adopt not to exist around.

OK, and then there we are: 41 personality idioms to draw the people you beloved and the people you … well … the people you're not that keen on.

Now information technology'south time to practice.

Tin you answer these questions?

  1. Who's the most open-minded person yous've met? Are they too open up-minded?
  2. Are you quite laid-back or more of a become-getter?
  3. How practise you deal with pig-headedness? Do y'all ignore it or try to convince the other person?
  4. How do you get rid of clingy people?
  5. Do you know anyone who's as thick as a plank?

I love hearing your answers, then let me know in the comments.

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Source: https://www.clarkandmiller.com/41-personality-idioms-to-describe-people-you-love-and-hate/

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